
Starting ErnestoRPG clon made with Unity

The other day, Daniel Benmergui,  an independent videogame maker and creator of Storyteller, a puzzle game about building stories, Today I Die and I wish I were the moon, published on a game developer group on facebook a new game with new mechanics called "Ernesto - A quick RPG". The game was published on Kongregate and can be played here http://www.kongregate.com/games/danielben/ernesto-a-quick-rpg

I really like the game and I played it for several hours untill I finished it (it's a very short game)

Also, I really like the mechanics and as I'm learning Unity 2D, I started to port it. The port is being developed in Unity 4.3 using the new 2D tools.

Here you have the playable result http://bit.ly/1cyZgb5 (note that is work in progress) and a screenshot

What does it do?
  1. Draws sprites / game objects in a grid randomly
  2. Validates if starting point is selected. You must start from a cave door 
  3. Validates movements, you can move up, down, left, right
  4. If you click one of them, It will give you the click object mane / type and position in grid.
  5. Draws  the hero's quest. :)
There is a lot of more work to do, so stay tuned

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